Thapar Summer School on ML & DL 2022 | 13th June - 22nd July 2022
Time : 09:00 - 1:00 pm (Mon to Friday)
Venue: TAN Audi (offline only)
Note : (1) Be on Time (2) Bring your own Laptop (3) Bring power extensions (if possible)
​Brief Schedule:
Week 1 | 13 - 17 June 2022 | Basics of Python and Problem Solving
Week 2 | 20 - 24 June 2022 | Machine Learning, Optimization, Statistics, and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Week 3 | 27 June to 02 July 2022 | Image Processing and Deep Learning
Week 4 | 04 - 09 July 2022 | Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Blockchain
Week 5 | 11 - 16 July 2022 | Internet of Things (IoT), Web Development and Cloud Services
Week 6 | 18 - 22 July 2022 | Time Series, Explainable AI, How to write and publish research papers, Valedictory, certificate distribution
Detailed Schedule
Week 1 | 13 June to 17 June 2022
Theme: Basics of Python and Problem Solving
Day 1 [13 June 2022] | Opening of Summer School | Dr. PSRana
Briefing of Schedule
Click Here to download the slide
Day 2 [14 June 2022] - Basics of Python Programming | Dr. PSRana
Basics of Python Programming (using Google Colab) | Click Here
Download and install Anaconda | Click Here
[Self-Google] Learn how to install packages in python using pip/conda (Try to install OpenCV and Yolo packages)
Mini Project-01: Subset Selection Problem | Click Here
Mini Project-02: ComboFinder | Click Here
Assignment-01 | Click Here | Submission Link
Challenge Question | Click Here
[Self] Mini Project-03 | Click Here | Submission Link
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 3 [15 June 2022] - Advance Python (Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy, Pandas) | Dr. PSRana
Resource of the Day
Also, explore Research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Data Visualization using Matplotlib | Click Here
Working with Pandas | Click Here
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 4 [16 June 2022] - Basics of R Programming, Topsis, Feature Extraction (Audio, DNA) | Dr. PSRana
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 5 [17 June 2022] - Mini Projects and Automation using Python | Dr. PSRana, Mr Raj
Resource of the Day
Mini Projects | Click Here
Mini Project-04: Audio to Text Conversion
Mini Project-05: Google Image Downloader
Mini Project-06: Image to Text (OCR)
Mini Project-07: Tweets Search/Download
Mini Project-08: Video to Audio Conversion
Mini Project-09: Cosine Similarity
Automatic Pipeline Development | Click Here for slide
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Week 2 | 20 June to 24 June 2022
Theme: Machine Learning, Optimization, Statistics, and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Day 06 [20 June 2022] - Optimization Using Random Approach | PSRana
Resource of the Day
Mini/Major Projects | Click Here
Optimization Using Random Approach | Click Here (slide)
Mini Project-10: Coin Change Problem | Click Here
Mini Project-11: Operator Fitting Problem | Click Here
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 07 [21 June 2022] - Machine Learning - Part-1 (Introduction) | PSRana
Resource of the Day
Download Free Books, Free Research Papers, Thesis, Datasets, etc
Go to psrana.com --> Resource --> UNIT VI: Gold Mine for Researchers
Introduction to Machine Learning | Click Here (Slide)
Teachable Machine | Click Here
Sample Dataset | Click Here
Result Analysis of Machine Learning Models using Excel | Click Here
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 08 [22 June 2022] - Machine Learning - Part-2 (Regression) | PSRana
Resource of the Day
Cold emailing for internships, LOR, SOP, Guidance for MS | Go to psrana.com --> LOR
Search for "Postdoc in Data Science in Switzerland"
Model Evaluation Parameters for Regression and Classification | Click Here
Machine Learning using Pycaret | Click Here
Optimization of model parameters; Numer.ai, etc.
- Evaluation-1 on Kaggle | Click Here (Login and then participate)
- Start: 22 June 2022, 9:00 am
- Deadline: 27 June 2022, 8:00 am
- The top 5 winners will get rewards and a certificate
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 09 [23 June 2022] - Machine Learning - Part-3 (Classification and Clustering) | PSRana
Resource of the Day
Develop a short video of your project and share
Lil'Learn - The Smart Learning App | Click Here
Clone Your Voice | Click Here
Machine Learning using Pycaret | Click Here
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 10 [24 June 2022] - Data Analytics using statistics | Dr. Harsih Garg
Resource of the Day | None
Data Analytics using statistics | Dr. Harsih Garg
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Week 3 | 27 June to 02 July 2022
Theme: Image Processing and Deep Learning
Day 11 [27 June 2022] - Introduction to Image Processing and Deep Learning (Part-1) | Dr. Sahil Sharma
Resource of the Day
Numer.ai | (Information already emailed you)
[Video] Deep Learning in 5 hr | Click Here
Click Here for all the notebooks | Click Here for slide
Introduction to Image Processing using OpenCV
Image Loading, Displaying, Saving, and Dimensions
Grayscaling images;
Transformations of Image;
Convolutions, Blurring, and Sharpening Images;
Image conversion from colored to greyscale, Resizing/ Rotation/ Scaling of images, etc
Mini Project-12 (Self)
Convert a colored video to greyscale (black & white)
Develop a Web App for the project.
Mini Project-13 (Self)
Reduce the size (scaling) of a colored video to x% (x=10,20,30.....)
Develop a Web App for the project.
Mini Project-14 (Self)
Make a video slow/fast by (1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x)
Develop a Web App for the project.
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 12 [28 June 2022] - Introduction to Image Processing and Deep Learning (Part-2) | Dr. Sahil Sharma
Resource of the Day
AWS Free Machine Learning (Text-to-Speech, Speech-to-Text, Translation) | Click Here
Click Here for all the notebooks | Click Here for slide
Object Detection using Yolo
Training MobileNetSSD Object Detection on a Mask Dataset
Sign language detection using TensorFlow Object Detection Library
Mini Project-15 (Self)
Record two videos of yourself of 20 sec (1) Happy Face (2) Sad Face
Extract all the frames and store them in two folders
Develop a facial expression recognition model
Develop a Web App / Mobile APP for the project.
Mini Project-16 (Self)
Use the above dataset and train on Teachable Machine
Check for 10 faces and find the accuracy
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 13 [29 June 2022] - Introduction to Image Processing and Deep Learning (Part-3) | Dr. Sahil Sharma
Resource of the Day
Visualize Neural Network (Playground Tensorflow) | Click Here
Click Here for all the notebooks
Basics of Neural Networks and CNN
Cat/Dog Classification
Face recognition
Face expression detection
Leaf disease prediction
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 14 [30 June 2022] - Introduction to Image Processing and Deep Learning (Part-4) | Dr. Sahil Sharma
Resource of the Day
The GAN Zoo | Click Here
Click Here for all the Notebooks | Click Here for slide
Data Augmentation using GAN
Generate synthetic Fashion MNIST Images with DCGAN
Super-resolution using SRGAN
Evaluation-2 on Kaggle | Click Here (Login and then participate)
Start: 30 June 2022, 4:00 pm
Deadline: 5 July 2022, 8:00 am
The top 5 winners will get rewards and a certificate
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 15 [01 July 2022 ] - Hands-on Practice on Transfer Learning and GAN | Mrs. Sukhandeep Kaur
Resource of the Day
[Video] Explore How Computer Vision works | Click Here
Dataset for today's session Click Here (Copy to your google drive)
Click Here for all Notebook | Click Here for slide
Transfer Learning
Data Augmentation using GAN
Use of trained model: Resnet 50, Inception V3, VGG 16
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Week 4 | 04 July to 09 July 2022
Theme: Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Blockchain
Day 16 [04 July 2022] - Introduction to Natural Language Processing | Dr. Nitin Shelke
Resource of the Day
[Video] Road map for NLP by Krish Naik | Click Here
[Video] Complete NLP course by Krish Naik in 9 hr | Click Here
Click Here for all the Notebooks and slide
Introduction to NLP
Applications of Natural Language Processing
Hands-on with NLTK for Text Data
Research Projects on NLP
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 17 [05 July 2022] - Text Analytics and NLP | Dr. Nitin Shelke
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the Notebooks and slide
Text Pre-processing Operation
Feature Extraction: Bag of Word, TFIDF
Word Embeddings in NLP
Case Study based on Text Pre-processing
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 18 [06 July 2022] - Hands-on with NLP Projects | Dr. Nitin Shelke
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the Notebooks and slide
Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning
Gender Identification
Text Summarization;
Chatbot Development
Evaluation-3 on Kaggle | Click Here (Login and then participate)
Start: 06 July 2022, 9:00 pm
Deadline: 11 July 2022, 8:00 am
The top 5 winners will get rewards and a certificate
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 19 [07 July 2022] - Introduction to Blockchain | Dr. Rohit Ahuja and Team
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the Notebooks and slide
The chain of Blocks
Origin of Blockchain
Motivation: Why not Blockchain?
Case Study: Supply chain Management
Solidity Language: Hands-on Programming Session
Metamask: Installation and working
Truffle: To Compile and deploy smart Contracts
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 20 [08 July 2022] - Tools for Blockchain | Dr. Rohit Ahuja and Team
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the Notebooks and slide
Ganache: To Create Private Blockchain Networks
Tuna Fish Tracking: A Case Study
Understanding terms DApps, NFTS etc.
Smart Contract Session with solidity
Open Problem statement for Blockchain
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Week 5 | 11 July to 16 July 2022
Theme: Internet of Things (IoT), Web Development and Cloud Services
Day 21 [11 July 2022] - Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications-1 | Dr. Kiranjot and Team
Resource of the Day
Click Here for slide
The World of IoT
Introduction to IoT
IoT and Cloud
IoT Case Study: Making a Thing
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 22 [12 July 2022] - Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications-2 | Dr. Kiranjot and Team
Resource of the Day
Click Here for slide
Digital Reality to Happiness,
Introduction AR, VR and XR
Designing your own AR filter
Science of Happiness
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 23 [13 July 2022] - Application of IoT using Node MCU | Mr Shivam and Mr Gaurav
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the instructions and slides
Setup Environment for Node MCU in Arduino IDE.
Interfacing with different sensors with node MCU
Connection node MCU with wifi.
Sending sensor data to ThinkSpeak.
Controlling devices through mobile applications
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 24 [14 July 2022] - Web Development using DJango - Part-1 | Mr Avnoor
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the instructions and slides
[Video] Django Installation Click Here
Introduction to GitCLI
Creation of a dummy repository to run all-important commands
Introduction to the structure of Web Development
How a frontend connects with the backend framework and with database
Introduction to Django
Insights of Django's directory system
Urls and view layer
Model layer
Data Access through Admin panel
Getting started with Our first App
Combo Offers
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 25 [15 July 2022] - Web Development using DJango - Part-2 (Machine Learning Model Deployment) | Mr Avnoor
Resource of the Day
Click Here for all the resources
Integrating pycaret with Django
Creation of, the Best Model for breast cancer
The custom server on Microsoft azure
Custom .tech domain from get.tech
Deployment of the model on the azure server with a custom domain
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Week 6 | 18 July to 22 July 2022
Theme: Time Series, Explainable AI, How to write and publish research papers, Valedictory and certificate distribution
Day 26 [18 July 2022] - Introduction and Hands-on practics on Time-Series problems | Mr. Raj
Resource of the Day
State-of-the-art Deep Learning library for Time Series and Sequences | Click Here
Click Here for all the resources
Click Here for the dataset
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 27 [19 July 2022] - Introduction and Hands-on practics on Explainable AI | Dr. Puneet Kumar
Resource of the Day
[Vidoe] Introduction to Explainable AI (ML Tech Talks) | Click Here
[Vidoe] Explainable AI Cheat Sheet - Five Key Categories | Click Here
Click Here for all the resources
Can you trust AI, in particular, the outcomes of Machine/Deep learning models?
How to explain what happens inside these models?
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 28 [20 July 2022] - R Programming and TOPSIS | Dr. PSRana
Resource of the Day
R Tutorial | Click Here
R Programming | Click Here
Topsis (Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM)) | Click Here
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 29 [21 July 2022] - How to write and publish research papers; | Prof. Mukesh Singh, Dr. Singara Singh
Resource of the Day
Significance and Application of Clustering Techniques | Dr. Singara Singh
Multi-threading using Python | Click Here | Dr. PS Rana
Basics of Multi-Threading
Mini-Project-17: Create multiple text files using threading
Mini-Project-18: Convert multiple files to upper case
Mini-Project-19: Convert multiple images to greyscale
Mini-Project-20: Convert multiple videos to greyscale
Mini-Project-21: Scrap multiple websites
How to write a research paper | Click Here | Dr. PS Rana
Daily Activity
One page writing (Two papers) | For research papers (Go to Resource --> 5. One Page Writing)
Update Checklist
Day 30 [22 July 2022] - Valedictory and certificate distribution | Dr. Suresh Raikwar, Dr. Harpreet Singh, Dr Neeru Jindal
Feedback form | Click Here
Topics need to cover:
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Challenges in Deploying machine learning solutions at scale (2) MLOps (3) Data-Centric AI | Mr. Anant Aggarwal